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TEPLY DIM Publications
- Impact of the New Legislation on Construction Industry and the Building Sector (2012)
- Residential Sector of Ukraine: Legal, Regulatory, Institutional, Technical and Financial Considerations (2011)
Brochures, manuals, reports, presentations
- Brochure "Thermal Modernization of a Residential Building" (Danfoss with support from IFC, 2014) (in Russian)
- In-Depth Review of the Energy Efficiency Policy of Ukraine (2013)
- Manual "Thermal modernization of the housing stock: organizational, financial, legal, social and techncial aspects" (issue of 2012, 2nd updated issue of 2013) (in Ukrainian)
- Energy efficiency: success stories of Ukrainian cities (2013) (in Ukrainian)
- Manual "Thermal insulation of a residential building: comfort and savings" (2013) (in Ukrainian)
- Manual "Energy efficient building step by step". Volume 3. "Step 3. Capital repairs and thermal modernization of a multi-family residential building" (2012) (in Ukrainian)
- Manual "Energy efficient building step by step". Volume 2. "Step 2. Organization of activities of a condominium" (2011) (in Ukrainian)
- Manual "Energy efficient building step by step". Volume 1. "Step 1. Establishment of a condominium" (2010) (in Ukrainian)
- District Heating Substations: Design and Installation. Technical Requirements (2004, by the Swedish District Heating Association)
- Facilitating Energy Efficiency Financing in Residential Buildings. EBRD Policy Dialogue and Legal Assistance (2014)
- Financial support for energy efficiency in buildings (report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, 2013)
- Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management. Ukraine (UNECE, 2013)
- Current Status and Perspectives of ESCO Market in Ukraine: Model and Mechanisms for financing Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2013)
- Energy Efficient Refurbishment (GIZ, 2013)
- Financing Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Ukraine. Analysis and Policy Recommendations (GIZ, 2013)
- Homeowners Asociations in the Former Soviet Union: Stalled on the Road to Reform (International Housing Coalition, 2012)
- Financing Capital Repairs and Energy Efficiency Improvements in Russian Multi-family Apartment Buildings. Key Conclusions and Recommendations (IFC and EBRD, 2012)
- Ukraine 2012. Energy Policies Beyond IEA Countries (2012)
- Modernization of the district heating systems in Ukraine: heat metering and consumption-based billing" (World Bank, 2012)
- Analysis of international best practice in organizing and financing capital repairs and energy efficiency modernizations of multi-family buildings in CEU (IFC, 2011)
Ukrainian ministries, agencies, institutions, NGOs dealing with energy efficiency
- National Commission for Government Regulation of Energy and Utility Services
- Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Municipal Economy of Ukraine
- State Agency of Ukraine on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving
- State Architecture and Building Inspection of Ukraine (in Ukrainian)
- State Ecological Inspection of Ukraine (in Ukrainian)
- State Inspection of Ukraine for Protection of Consumers' Rights
- State Fund for Youth Housing Assistance (in Ukrainian)
- State Enterprise "National Scientific and Research Institute of Building Constructions"
- National Research Institute for Housing Reconstruction (in Ukrainian)
- Scientific Research Institute of Construction Industry
- Association of Housing Managers
- Association "Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine"
- Center for Local Government Studies, Lviv NGO
- Ecoclub
- European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA)
- Institute for Environment and Energy Conservation
- Kyiv Centre for Energy Efficiency
- Local Economic Development Agency of Burshtyn
- MAMA-86, an All-Ukrainian Ecological NGO
- Municipal Development Institute
- National Ecological Centre of Ukraine
- Project implementation unit for energy efficiency in residential and public buildings
- Renewable Energy Center (RenCentre)
- IBCentre - Boosting Business Innovation & Development
International financial/donor organizations working in the area of energy efficiency in Ukraine
- CIDA, Canadian International Development Agency
- Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine
- East Europe Foundation
- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Representative Office in Ukraine
- EBRD, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- GIZ, German International Cooperation
- IFC, International Finance Corporation
- NEFCO, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation
- SDC, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
- World Bank
- UNDP, UN Development Program in Ukraine
- USAID, US Agency for International Development
International techncial assistance projects dealing with energy efficiency
- Municipal Energy Reform in Ukraine Project (funding: USAID; 2014-2017)
- Transforming the Market for Efficient Lighting (funding: UNDP)
- Ukraine Energy Efficiency Program (UKEEP) (funding: EBRD)
- Ukraine Energy Efficiency Project (funding: EBRD)
- Municipal Energy Reform in Ukraine Project (funding: USAID)
- UA - Energy Efficiency (funding: World Bank)
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Infrastructure in Vinnytsa (funding: SDC)
- Capacity building of the State Agency for Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency (funding: EU)
- Promoting Energy Efficiency in Ukraine's Residential Housing (funding: IFC)
- SPIN - Energy Efficiency and Urban Development Planning (funding: EU)
- Energy Efficient Pilot Project (funding: GIZ)
- Municipal Heating Reform in Ukraine Project (funding: USAID)
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings (funding: GIZ)
- Partnership for Energy Efficiency in Zalenodolsk (East Europe Foundation)
- Partnership for Better Energy Use in Lviv Oblast (East Europe Foundation)
Local Projects
- Affordable Heat - Energy Efficiency Fund of Burshtyn (in the framework of the Social Partnership Program of DTEK)
Useful Links
Organizations/associations/companies working in the area of energy efficiency worldwide
- Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock (BEEN)
- Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE)
- European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EuroACE)
- European Insulation Manufacturers Association (EURIMA)
- European Network for Housing Research (ENHR)
- German Energy Agency (dena)
- ENERDATA Global Energy Intelligence
- European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
- INTENSE Energy Efficiency
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Swedish Energy Agency (SEA)
Financing Energy Efficiency Initiatives in Europe
- Build Up (the European Portal for Energy Efficiency in Buildings)
- Data Hub for the Energy Performance of Buildings (statistics and policy information on Europe’s building stock)
- KfW Energy Efficient Renovation - Supplementary Credit - Germany
- KredEx Reconstruction Grant - Estonia
- Residential Energy Efficiency Credit Line - Bulgaria
- State Housing Development Fund - Slovakia
Weekly news and publications
IQ energy - a programme designed by the EBRD and financed by E5P & Sida and supported by the EU.
The purpose of IQ energy is to increase residential energy efficiency in Ukraine
About IQ energy
Recent news
On October 6 Government of Ukraine has recommenced the program to support population to implement residential energy efficiency improvements
Oschadbank and Ukrgasbank again issue “warm” loans to natural persons under the program. More
The biggest in Ukraine EE loan was issued to Lutsk Homeowners Association
Ukrgasbank issued almost UAH 3.5 million loan for Homeowners Association “Tsentralna Vezha” (Central Tower) in Lutsk. More
HOAs take "warm" loans to prepare for winter
On the week of July 11-18, nine homeowners associations have joined the government “warm” loans program by attracting UAH 3 million of EE loans. More
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